Implements the main state machine of the system.


enum state_machine 
public void check_buffers(void) 
public inline void reset_measurements(void) 
public inline void compute_measurements(void) 
public inline void print_configurations(void)@breif prints the configurations and definitions
public inline void print_system_flags(void)prints the system flags
public inline void print_error_flags(void)prints the error flags
public inline void task_initializing(void)Checks if the system is OK to run.
public inline void task_idle(void)waits for commands while checking the system
public inline void task_running(void)running task checks the system and apply the control action to pwm.
public inline void task_error(void)error task checks the system and tries to medicine it.
public inline void task_reset(void)reset error task just freezes the processor and waits for watchdog
public inline void set_machine_initial_state(void)set machine initial state
public void machine_init(void) 
public inline void machine_run(void)this is the machine state itself.
public inline void set_state_error(void)set error state
public inline void set_state_initializing(void)set initializing state
public inline void set_state_idle(void)set idle state
public inline void set_state_running(void)set running state
public inline void set_state_reset(void)set reset state
public ISR(TIMER2_COMPA_vect)ISR para ações de controle.
public ISR(PCINT2_vect) 



enum state_machine


public void check_buffers(void)

public inline void reset_measurements(void)

public inline void compute_measurements(void)

public inline void print_configurations(void)

@breif prints the configurations and definitions

public inline void print_system_flags(void)

prints the system flags

public inline void print_error_flags(void)

prints the error flags

public inline void task_initializing(void)

Checks if the system is OK to run.

public inline void task_idle(void)

waits for commands while checking the system

public inline void task_running(void)

running task checks the system and apply the control action to pwm.

public inline void task_error(void)

error task checks the system and tries to medicine it.

public inline void task_reset(void)

reset error task just freezes the processor and waits for watchdog

public inline void set_machine_initial_state(void)

set machine initial state

public void machine_init(void)

public inline void machine_run(void)

this is the machine state itself.

public inline void set_state_error(void)

set error state

public inline void set_state_initializing(void)

set initializing state

public inline void set_state_idle(void)

set idle state

public inline void set_state_running(void)

set running state

public inline void set_state_reset(void)

set reset state

public ISR(TIMER2_COMPA_vect)

ISR para ações de controle.

public ISR(PCINT2_vect)